Moving towards the next level...
Since the turn of the century, significant progressive changes have taken place in the provision of prehospital emergency care in Ireland. Few would have dared to imagine the scale of advancement both in terms of education and scope of practice that has taken place since the bells tolled to herald the arrival of the new millennium. Academically, paramedics in Ireland who for over 20 years have been qualified at diploma level now have the opportunity to qualify with an honours bachelor of science degree, and the possibility of progression to masters and doctoral degrees should they feel so inclined. From a clinical perspective, the Advanced Life Support service that is available nationwide today has evolved from an emergency service provided by EMTs just a few short years ago.
In order to make the step up to the next level in our development as a bona fide recognised profession, it is essential that we embark on the journey of the development of our own body of knowledge in relation to our education, our practice and our profession as a whole. This editorial will explore some issues related to this.
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